Happy First Birthday Ellen Rose!

And there is so much going on and so much to write about and little time to write. I find I write less when I am doing other things that satisfy or give me a creative outlet. But that is no excuse!! I wish I could think of all the new things she is doing. She is officailly in the 2nd percentile for weight and height. Dr. Pugel said "Does that run in your family"? to me. ME. Um, yep!!! We aren't giants. And Mike was SO SMALL when he was little, so I think she is OK. Clearly thriving. And her new favorite food is brocolli. And with her hair, I want her to be a brocolli floret for Halloween, and just make it green, dress her in green. Voila, Ellen the floret!!
She can throw a ball at you and giggle like crazy when you catch it. She waves at everyone. She seeps all night long 95% of the time, and she is trying to get from one thing to the next without crawling.
I am (plop) sitting here listening to the sound of 2 cm square (plop, plop) pieces of carrot, chicken, potato and green bean hit the floor. Plop. She should be eating her lunch but has discovered it makes a sound (plop) when it hits the floor (plop). It is really funny. I'm trying not to laugh, so I have turned my back to her to (plop) type but I can still hear what is going on.

At 5:32 PM,
me said…
Shes so cute! BTW its not really the first that goes by fast its the next 18. :) You'll see.
love, Kris
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