Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hair are you doing today???

I really wish this was zoomed in closer. We could not bring ourselves to brush it, it was just too funny. This is larger than her typical post-nap hair, so we had to take a picture. We think it comes from pears and must promote big hair. That is what she eats these days...mostly. She is saying ball, bye, Mama, Dada, ashes (from ring around the rosie) and baba is either apple or banana I can't tell.
Speaking of pictures, we just returned from her end of the year party at school. Her teachers made her a scrap book of her year and it was such a treat to see her back when she first started, the things she was doing, and the toys and kids she hangs with and likes. I love the folks there and that program is amazing. What a blessing.
We also planted the garden. We have corn. TWO ROWS of CORN!! That just kills me kind of. I like to tell Mike (since he prepped and planted the two rows of said corn) what is going on with his "corn rows."
"Your corn rows are looking good today"
"You need to water your corn rows"
"I think a bird got in your corn rows"
And every time, I think of hair, not vegetables.
SO, if we get big ole stalks of corn here in Lawrenceville, I will be very tempted to see if the newspaper will come do a story. It almost feels like it's illegal as if we have chickens or something. Corn makes me think of my grandparents, and my great aunts and their huge fields of corn. Kind of makes me feel like a farmer, not a gardener.
And, we have SEVEN tomato plants. SEVEN. A row of limas and a row of green beans, squash, zukes, and blueberries. OH! And canteloupe. IF none if it comes up (last year was slim) I'll be so sad! I am expecting a harvest!
Other than that we have a few things going on, but the biggest thing around here lately is Ellen's hair.